Lightroom, Aperture and Capture One Mini-Review Part 2
In part 1 of this series, I promised to show the tone curves for the various raw developers that I'm looking at. Here they are:
The Lightroom curves, for various settings of brightness and contrast - brightness has by far the most pronounced impact the image.
Lightroom, Aperture and Capture One Mini-Review Part 1
Just before the Christmas break, I decided to spend some time over the holidays comparing Adobe’s Photoshop Lightroom, Apple’s Aperture and Phase One’s Capture One raw developer/digital asset management products.
6ChromaSoft web pages are up
At long last, I've done something I've had on my to-do list for a long time now, which is to create a web space where I can put various files that might be useful to other people. It's at
ACR, Lightroom and DNG color
Well, I learned something new this morning, thanks to a question that Baxter Bradford asked over on the LUF. What he asked was (in effect) whether the various Adobe raw products (Adobe Camera Raw, Lightroom) would pick up on a changed camera profiles in a DNG file.
As part of my journey into digital imaging, I found myself writing CornerFix, which can be found on The image is a screen shot of the Mac version.
What's this all about?
Over the past year or so, I've been involving myself more and more in the world of digital imaging. Photography isn't new to me - I was using a rangefinder while in school, developing and printing my own work.