In this post, I’ll look at the color response of Capture One, Lightroom and Aperture against an image of an actual GretagMacbeth test chart, as cteated on a Nikon D80, rather than the Leica M8 I used in the previous post.

In the previous part of this mini-review, I looked at the color response of Capture One, Lightroom and Aperture against a synthetically generated GretagMacbeth test chart. In this post, I’ll look at the response of the same programs against an image of an actual GretagMacbeth test chart.

At long last, here’s the comparison of color rendering promised several weeks ago – between work and the display board in my main PC failing, this has taken longer than I’d expected. This post compares the color rendering of Lightroom, Aperture and Capture One versus a synthetic test image.

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