dcpTool is a compiler/decompiler for DNG camera profiles (DCP files), as used by Photoshop, Camera Raw and Lightroom. dcpTool can decompile binary format DCP files into an XML format for editing, and then compile the XML format file (editable with a text editor) back into a binary DCP file, as well as extract embedded profiles from image files. It runs on Windows and OS X command lines.
The web site, which also has some background material on DNG Camera Profiles and an example of a "decompiled" one, is here: http://dcptool.sourceforge.net/
Health warning: dcpTool is a command line utility - if you're not comfortable with command line stuff, dcpTool probably won't be of any interest to you.
BTW, "DNG Camera Profile" is probably not a good name. DNG Camera Profiles are used when importing any raw file into Photoshop or Lightroom, not just DNG format images.
There's also a discussion on the Adobe forums.
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