So I tested V1.0.0.1 of CornerFix on Windows 7, and guess what - it broke. Specifically, while images were converted, corrected, etc, they weren't displayed.

A little digging around showed that Microsoft, in their wisdom, have changed the behavior of the .Net 2 Picturebox control. Previously, under both XP and Vista, if the Picturebox control came across a file that it couldn't decode, but could extract a thumbnail from, it would display the thumbnail. Entirely logical and useful behavior, and what CornerFix depended on. That has changed in Windows 7 - all you get now is that Picturebox throws an exception, and displays a little cross icon.

So I've been lazy about blogging, and productive about writing software. Since I last blogged about software releases, I've released not one, but two new open source applications, keychainDD and pcdtojpeg.


keychainDD is an OS keychain manager that delivers very secure drag&drop capability to the OS X Keychain management system.
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....