Note that this assumes that you have GIT installed on your system, and will be using the standard GIT command line, and are in your project directory.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Before creating any commits, need to identify yourself, using your SourceForge identity. The easiest way to do so is to make sure the following lines appear in a file named .gitconfig in your home directory:
name = Your Name Comes Here
email =
Step 2: Tell GIT what files not to transfer into the repository - by default, every thing gets transferred. The easiest way to do this is to create a file named .gitignore in your home directory. In my case, this has the lines:
# excludes for xCode and VC++
Step 3. Initialize GIT - Then you actually need to create a local repository (note that the -a in the commit isn't really necessary)
git init
git add .
git status
git commit -a -m "KeyChainDD Initial commit"
Step 4. Check that you now have a local repository by asking for a log:
git log
Step 5. Push your local repository to the SourceForge GIT repository:
git remote add origin ssh://
git config branch.master.remote origin
git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master
git push origin master
Step 6. Create an archive (optional):
git archive --format=zip --prefix=KeyChainDD/ HEAD | gzip >
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