Over the past few weeks I've slowly been moving my entire e-mail/contact/calendar to a Gmail based environment. The process has been "interesting", so I thought I'd briefly document what I discovered  about syncing contacts and calendar from a Mac to Google. (If you just want "the answer" without the reasons why most of what I tried didn't work, then jump to bottom of this post, btw)

The reason for all this is that I'm increasingly using multiple devices to access e-mail - my desktop computers, my laptop, and iPod Touch. The e-mail part of this was simple; I just use Gmail in IMAP mode on all the desktops and laptops, and everything pretty much just works.

Well, it looks like there will be new firmware for the M9 on Monday that will at least make the "red edges" problem that I have blogged about previously better. The release notes say that the following lenses have been tweaked:

M 18mm/f3.8 ASPH (11649) M 21mm/f2.8 ASPH. (11135) M 24mm/f3.8 ASPH. (11648) M 28mm/f2 ASPH.    (11604) M 28mm/f2.8 ASPH (11606) The 18mm especially can do with the help. But I doubt, for the reasons described in the previous post, that there will be a 100% solution.
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