1. Adobe recently announced that there would be lens correction capabilities in Camera Raw 6 and Lightroom 3, including for vignetting. I had hoped that meant that it would be possible to use these new capabilities to correct for the red edges and red corners that afflict the Leica M8 and M9. Now of course CornerFix does correct for that now, but I had hoped that rather than the current process where users have to process each file though CornerFix, I could just modify CornerFix to initially generate an Adobe lens profile, and users could then just use the profile, all within Lightroom.

    However, it seems that what I had hoped isn't going to happen. The bad news for M8/M9 users is on page 9 of the Adobe Camera Model technical report:

    "As part of the vignette model calibration process, u ,v , f , f ,α ,α ,α are the set
    of model parameters that need to be estimated. Note that these model parameters
    are identical for all color channels."

    In other words, the Adobe lens correction system does not have the capability to correct for the M8/M9's color dependent vignetting (aka red corners or red edges).

    I'm seriously disappointed - it's not as if Adobe aren't aware of the red edges/red corners issue.

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