This is prompted by the many requests I've been getting from numbers of people for CornerFix to be made compatible with various new large sensor cameras, especially the Sony NEX series, for which there are now a lot of lens adapters available. However, given the size of the NEX sensor, and the characteristics of, for example, the Voigtländer (Cosina) 15mm f/4.5 lens, the same color vignetting as happens on the Leica M8 becomes inevitable. And of course, there's no Leica style "self coding" option on the Sony NEX.
So rather to continue to respond to requests to update CornerFix to each camera, I decided to make CornerFix more general. Now in fact, CornerFix always was quite general - it was just set up to warn about "Unsupported camera model" if it came across any camera I hadn't tested on. But usually, CornerFix would get it right anyway.
What the new version of CornerFix does is to look at the characteristics of the DNG file itself, and decide whether it can be processed. So it will now work with very nearly any DNG file, regardless of whether the file came directly from a camera, or was converted from the camera manufacturer's raw format with Adobe's DNG Converter. The only restrictions are that the DNG has to have either Bayer sensor or "Linear Raw", aka RGB, data in it. Which covers about 99.9% all cameras out there, btw. So, all you have to do to use CornerFix with a Nikon, Canon or whatever is to convert your raw image to DNG, then use CornerFix as usual.
At the same time, CornerFix also has a new website. The website has detailed instructions on how to use CornerFix with converted DNGs, etc.
Downloads are still from the usual place: CornerFix Files on
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