Using CornerFix with the Fuji IS-Pro
Using CornerFix with the Fuji IS-Pro
Revised and refreshed Chromasoft website
Revised and refreshed Chromasoft website
Solving the dreaded Gigabyte "Won't boot from USB" problem
Solving the dreaded Gigabyte "Won't boot from USB" problem
Installing Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat"
Installing Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat"
New version of CornerFix and a new website
New version of CornerFix and a new website
pcdMagic for Windows is out
pcdMagic for Windows is out
dcpTool and the dangers of tables
dcpTool and the dangers of tables
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....