Using CornerFix with the Fuji IS-Pro
David Kennard has posted an interesting article and mini-tutorial on using CornerFix with the Fuji IS-Pro camera.
Revised and refreshed Chromasoft website
Google recently converted my Chromasoft website (as distinct from this blog) from the old Google Pages format to Google Sites, as they are doing for all Google Pages sites. The website is where all the reference material for the various things I blogger about here are.
Solving the dreaded Gigabyte "Won't boot from USB" problem
As mentioned in this post, I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 "Maverick Meerkat". I mentioned two fairly major problems I had with the Ubuntu installer in that post. I also had another problem, but this one isn't Ubuntu related.
85Installing Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat"
So I use Linux occasionally for software development stuff e.g., pcdtojpeg will run on Linux. I'd skipped Ubuntu 10.04 because (a) the release got a pretty bad name for reliability and (b) I was busy professionally, and with pcdMagic and CornerFix, so anything on Linux wasn't featuring anyway.
3New version of CornerFix and a new website
There's a new version of CornerFix out, V1.4.0.0. The new release extends CornerFix beyond M8s, M9s and S2s to allow images from just about any camera to be corrected - e.g., Sony NEX, Sigma DP series, etc.
pcdMagic for Windows is out
So, pcdMagic for Windows is out. pcdMagic converts Kodak Photo CD images into more modern formats such as JPEG and TIFF. But unlike all the other solutions out there, it actually gets the color right.
The original pcdMagic, which was Mac only, shipped back in February.
dcpTool and the dangers of tables
There's a good article by Marco Noldin on his blog where he discusses an issue relating to DNG color profiles with hue twists that I haven't touched on in this blog.