Some good news from Adobe - in a previous post, I reported that the new Adobe "V4" camera profiles broke the Adobe profile editor, a tool a lot of photographers depend on to get accurate color.
Adobe Lightroom 3.6 and Adobe Camera Raw 6.6 final is now out, with new fourth generation "V4" camera profiles. Unfortunately, it turns out that the V4 profiles break dcpTool.
Luminous Landscape have been testing the Sony NEX-7, and found that when using the NEX-7 with non-Sony lenses, it's "CornerFix To The Rescue" .
Looks like the "mainstream" photographic sites are finally starting to "get it" as regards ETTR. Ctein, one of the better knows columnists on The Online Photographer, has published 'Expose to the Right' is a Bunch of Bull.
Here a short review of PhotoRaw: RAW Konverter fürs iPad

"With PhotoRaw I've now found one app that does the job satisfactorily.

The 7.49 EUR each for the app is absolutely value."

It's in German, but easy to translate and view via Google translate.
Umm, yes, scary but true.

Michael Reichmann has a new article on ETTR. It's called Optimizing Exposure, and you can find it on the Luminous Landscape site.
For those planning to be on the bleeding edge and upgrading to OS X 10.7 Lion, please be aware that there is a new version of CornerFix, version, available. Earlier versions may crash with Lion.

You can update now - the new version is compatible with all version of OS X from 10.4 onwards.
.....and, not of course that I would say "I told you so", but well, I told you so.
Photoshop Touch is Adobe's latest addition to Photoshop's capabilities - basically, it adds one-touch image transfer from an iPhone or iPad to Photoshop. You can read about it on this page.
Rob Galbraith has a good comparison of the various raw processing apps for the iPhone and iPad (including PhotoRaw) in his article on the iPad 2.
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....