Sony NEX-7, CV12 and CornerFix
A nice article on using the CornerFix to correct for color shifts when using a Voigtländer Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm/5.6 on a Sony NEX-7: Sony NEX-7 and the use of legacy ultra wide lenses
What does "raw image support" really mean on the iPad?
I wrote a blog post about a month ago that talked about the state of play with support for raw images in iPhoto on the iPad. Something that's come up regularly since then in feedback from readers is the question of what exactly "supports raw images" actually means.
A useful gadget for users of M lenses
I just came across something really useful for those that use M lenses on non-Leica cameras. One of the problems you run into is that you can't focus a close as you'd like. Well, now there's a solution for that - the Hawk’s Factory Close Focus Adapter. These's a review here by JB Hildebrand.