Lightroom 4.1 and the Fuji X-Pro1 - oh dear.....
In my series of posts about demosaicing the Fuji X-Pro1's X-Trans sensor, I pointed out considerable chroma smearing in the the raw conversion from a beta version of Adobe Camera Raw. I also clearly pointed out that a beta is, well, a beta, and that hopefully the Camera Raw team would improve the situation in a final release. But I also pointed out that I very much doubted whether Adobe would have allowed DPReview access to a beta that wasn't a good representation of the final product.
Lightroom 4.1 final is now out, with support for the Fuji X-Pro1, so we can expect a final version of ACR with X-Pro1 support very soon as well.
Lightroom 4.1 final is now out, with support for the Fuji X-Pro1, so we can expect a final version of ACR with X-Pro1 support very soon as well.