Not, you're not seeing double. There was indeed a previous post titled "Lightroom 4.1 and the Fuji X-Pro - oh dear.....".  I just downloaded the latest version of Lightroom, LR 4.2 in its final release form. The chroma smearing in V4.1 is still there. No doubt the latest release of Camera Raw will be the same.

Looks like fixing that issue didn't make it onto Adobe's priority list.

Did I mention several posts ago that the Fuji X-Trans sensor really wasn't a good idea? Or at a minimum, that Fuji's handling of the X-Trans sensor's introduction has been abysmal?

And no, really, you shouldn't be blaming Adobe for this. They have limited resources, and you can't expect Adobe to throw huge amounts of R&D time at solving a problem that Fuji created and have taken no action to resolve.  The situation may yet improve in LR 4.3; the issue may still get to the top of Adobe's priority list. But don't count on it.

Updated: Adobe now have improved support.

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