Well, I wasn't expecting to come back to the topic of Fuji, the X-Pro1 and its X-Trans sensor. However, I have been putting a lot of work into the suppression of artifacts when demosaicing. A lot more work than I had intended to, but that's another story. This is for a new product that I hope to release in a few weeks time (several months later than I'd hoped). But I did stumble into a better understanding of the nature of the chroma smearing (or watercolor effect, as it has also become known). The previous posts about Demosaicing the Fuji X-Pro1 are here, here and here.

In previous posts, I compared renderings from Adobe Camera Raw, SILKYPIX and Fuji's in-camera JPEG processing, as well as DCRAW and RPP.

Just took a look at Fuji X-Pro files using Lightroom 4.3 release candidate.

In short, same chroma smearing problem as the previous versions. Oh dear. Again(!)

Updated: Adobe now have improved support.
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....