Lightroom 4.4RC and Capture One versus the X-Trans sensor
Over the past few weeks, support for Fuji's X-Trans sensor, as found in the X-Pro, X-E1 and the new X100s has gone from minimal to quite extensive. Phase One have for the the first time shipped a product with support (Capture One V7.1) and Adobe (with Lightroom 4.4RC and Adobe Camera Raw 7.4) have improved their X-Trans support. In addition, AccuRaw is close to release as a commercial product.
In previous blog posts (here, here, here, here and here) I've compared the then-current raw developer options, and discussed why demosaicing the X-Trans sensor is difficult.
In previous blog posts (here, here, here, here and here) I've compared the then-current raw developer options, and discussed why demosaicing the X-Trans sensor is difficult.