Yesterday the web lit up with variations on "Adobe to bring Lightroom-style photo editing to tablets". Originally from Scott Kelby's "The Grid", and then picked up by CNET and multiple others. The big deal being the ability to process raw images on the iPad.

Guess what guys? - it may be news that Adobe is doing this, but the technology isn't new at all. Actually, Adobe's 18 months to two years behind the curve. There are at least two apps on the App Store ready for purchase that have been doing most of what Adobe demo'd. They've been available for years now. PhotoRaw, my app, being the most popular of them.

In fact, Adobe may be more that two years behind the curve here. PhotoRaw works on a first generation iPad while, so far as I can tell, the Adobe demo needs the latest fourth  (corrected - see comment below) second generation iPad. Very different.

Maybe a bit of research rather than just parroting the press release.......just saying......

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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....