Lens resolution, software correction and raw converters
Sean Reid, of Reid Reviews, just published a follow-up article to his test of the Fujifilm XF27/2.8 lens, titled "XF Lens Res. Revisited". In this article Sean repeats a number of his previous tests of Fuji and Zeiss lenses, but this time using AccuRaw. In addition, he also tests the effect of software correction of lens aberration on lens resolution. Unsurprisingly, software correction of lens aberration can result in noticeable reductions in resolution. Many modern cameras are sold with lenses that have very significant levels of aberration that is automatically corrected by the raw developer. But "there's no free lunch".
Resolution loss due to software correction is a topic that isn't often discussed, and so Sean's article is well worth the read. You can find it here.
Resolution loss due to software correction is a topic that isn't often discussed, and so Sean's article is well worth the read. You can find it here.