The 64-bit version of PhotoRaw is out
Version 4 of PhotoRaw and PhotoRaw Lite are now available on the App Store. The new version is a full 64-bit rewrite of PhotoRaw, and takes full advantage of the speed of Apple's new devices. I've talked in previous posts about the speed advantages that 64-bit operation can bring.
How fast is the iPad Air for image processing, and does NEON make sense?
In my last blog post, I went all technical, and talked about how to use the SIMD hardware acceleration, otherwise known as NEON, on Apple's new 64-bit processor (aka ARM64, aka ARMv8-A) on the iPad Air and iPhone 5s.
iPad Air, iPhone 5S and 64-bit NEON code
So this one is for the serious techies.
It's been widely publicized that the new iPad Air and iPhone 5s have 64-bit processors. What's not not so well understood is that the 64-bit processors can actually either run old 32-bit code, or new 64-bit code.
AccuRaw Monochrome and true monochrome processing
Lloyd Chambers, of the diglloyd blog, recently published a review of the Nikon D800M in which he used AccuRaw Monochrome for raw processing.
2AccuRaw 30% off for the black Friday weekend
For that have been looking for an opportunity to buy AccuRaw, it's 30% off on the App Store for the whole black Friday weekend, through cyber Monday.