The 64-bit version of PhotoRaw is out
The 64-bit version of PhotoRaw is out
How fast is the iPad Air for image processing, and does NEON make sense?
How fast is the iPad Air for image processing, and does NEON make sense?
iPad Air, iPhone 5S and 64-bit NEON code
iPad Air, iPhone 5S and 64-bit NEON code
AccuRaw Monochrome and true monochrome processing
AccuRaw 30% off for the black Friday weekend
AccuRaw 30% off for the black Friday weekend
Lens resolution, software correction and raw converters
Lens resolution, software correction and raw converters
"The AccuRaw conversion does the best job..."
"The AccuRaw conversion does the best job..."
Perfect skin tones with dcpTool, hue twists and camera calibration
Perfect skin tones with dcpTool, hue twists and camera calibration
PhotoRaw and iOS 7
Adobe to bring Lightroom-style photo editing to tablets
Adobe to bring Lightroom-style photo editing to tablets
Lightroom 4.4RC and Capture One versus the X-Trans sensor
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....