I just took a quick look inside a DNG from one of Leica's new Leica T cameras:

The camera firmware version number shows as "1.02", so what should be production firmware. The camera name shows as "Leica T (Typ 701)" The image data is 12-bit. There is no compression used in the DNG I looked at. Somewhat unusually, the data is appears to be packed, four 12-bit values in 6 bytes, rather than the more typical one 12-bit value in a 16-bit location. This is allowed by the DNG spec, but isn't often used. This means that the file size is approximately 24.5 MB vs. what would otherwise be approximately 33.6 MB. The DNG version is 1.3, a higher revision that that the 1.1 that most previous Leica cameras have used.

A lot of people have found out that, contrary to what they might have assumed, you can't import raw files into Lightroom Mobile on the iPad. Only JPEGs are supported. To import raws, you need to go via a desktop machine. Which is not much use if you're in the field with only an iPad.

Fortunately, there an easy work-round with PhotoRaw - here's the step-by-step instructions:

Install PhotoRaw on your iPad. Note that PhotoRaw Lite won't work for this.

Adobe's Lightroom Mobile is out. There are numbers of "first looks" and reviews on various sites, e.g. at MacWorld. I won't go into what Lightroom Mobile is and is not - the mainstream sites are doing that already - but there is one thing that the mainstream haven't picked on. That thing is that Adobe's Lossy DNG format finally starts to make some kind of sense. Well, sort of.
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....