I just took a quick look inside a DNG from one of Leica's new Leica T cameras:
  1. The camera firmware version number shows as "1.02", so what should be production firmware.
  2. The camera name shows as "Leica T (Typ 701)"
  3. The image data is 12-bit. There is no compression used in the DNG I looked at. Somewhat unusually, the data is appears to be packed, four 12-bit values in 6 bytes, rather than the more typical one 12-bit value in a 16-bit location. This is allowed by the DNG spec, but isn't often used. This means that the file size is approximately 24.5 MB vs. what would otherwise be approximately 33.6 MB.
  4. The DNG version is 1.3, a higher revision that that the 1.1 that most previous Leica cameras have used. There is a reason for this - DNG 1.3 allows for opcodes, which Leica use for lens correction.
  5. In the DNG I looked at, which was shot with a 18-56 Vario-Elmar lens, lens correction is done by a single "WarpRectilinear" operation in the DNG. Other lenses (or the same lens at a different focal length), might use other codes.
  6. There is a single Leica makernote.
Generally, the DNG seems to be quite standard - it happily works with current versions of all of my software - PhotoRaw, AccuRaw, AccuRaw Monochrome and Cornerfix "out of the box".

The only slightly interesting thing I noticed is the color rendering in the DNG. When I looked at Sean Reid's images in his review of the camera, I commented to him that the colors looked over saturated, especially the reds. Interesting, looking at a DNG alongside a JPEG preview, the JPEG preview is much more subdued than a DNG rendering using the Leica embedded color profile, especially in the reds. However, this is probably nothing that couldn't be fixed with a custom camera profile.

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