Updated: It's now safe to update; Apple have not fixed the bug, and show no signs of ever doing so, but as of version 4.2.0, PhotoRaw has a workaround.

For those of you that are PhotoRaw users, I'd recommend not updating to iOS 8 just yet.

There is a significant bug in iOS 8 that will prevent PhotoRaw from importing images that were shot as raw+jpeg. The details are as follows:

If you import an image from an SD Card onto an iOS 8 device that was shot as raw+jpeg (so there is an xxxx.raw and xxxx.jpg file present), the import operation onto the device will go fine. However, when you try to open the raw file in PhotoRaw, you'll get an error.

I've received several emails asking about the status of support for the new Nikon D750. Here is the state of play: the latest versions of both AccuRaw and AccuRaw Monochrome on the App Store have D750 support already. The version of PhotoRaw with D750 support is complete, and already with Apple - it should be available on the App Store in 4-5 days.

The new versions also have support for the new Leica cameras  - the Leica M-P, Leica M-60, Leica X (Type 113) and Leica S (Type 007).
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Author of AccuRaw, PhotoRaw, CornerFix, pcdMagic, pcdtojpeg, dcpTool, WinDat Opener and occasional photographer....