The iOS 8 raw+jpeg bug is fixed
I previously wrote about a nasty bug in iOS 8 that prevented PhotoRaw from accessing any images that were shot as raw+JPEG.
dcpTool and the DNG SDK on Linux
While Adobe's DNK SDK has been a great asset for the imaging world, allowing all sorts of useful open source software, including my CornerFix and dcpTool packages, as written it only supports Windows and OS X.
1AccuRaw support for the Canon 7D II, SX60 HS, G7 X and Fuji X100T
So you can stop emailing me :)
The versions of AccuRaw and AccuRaw Monochrome on the App Store as of this morning (V2.2.8) have support for the Canon 7D Mark II, Canon SX60 HS, Canon G7 X and Fuji X100T.
Mini Comparative Review of AccuRaw, Lightroom, Capture One and RawTherapee
Erik Kaffehr just posted a short comparative mini-review of four raw developers - AccuRaw, Lightroom, Capture One and RawTherapee.
Don't update to iOS 8
Updated: It's now safe to update; Apple have not fixed the bug, and show no signs of ever doing so, but as of version 4.2.0, PhotoRaw has a workaround.
For those of you that are PhotoRaw users, I'd recommend not updating to iOS 8 just yet.
Nikon D750 support for AccuRaw and PhotoRaw
I've received several emails asking about the status of support for the new Nikon D750. Here is the state of play: the latest versions of both AccuRaw and AccuRaw Monochrome on the App Store have D750 support already.
AccuRaw and AccuRaw Monochrome 2.2.1 - Nikon D810, Sony A7S, A77 M2, etc support
AccuRaw and AccuRaw Monochrome 2.2.1 for the Mac are now available on the Apple App Store.
PhotoRaw 4.0.7 - Nikon D810, Sony A7S, A77 M2, etc support
PhotoRaw 4.0.7 for the iPhone and iPad is now available on the Apple App Store. Version 4.0.7 adds raw image support for new cameras including the Nikon D810, Nikon 1 J4, Nikon 1 S2, Panasonic DMC-FZ1000, Sony Alpha 77 II and Sony Alpha A7S.
Leica T (Typ 701) raw file (DNG) analysis
I just took a quick look inside a DNG from one of Leica's new Leica T cameras:
The camera firmware version number shows as "1.02", so what should be production firmware. The camera name shows as "Leica T (Typ 701)" The image data is 12-bit. There is no compression used in the DNG I looked at.
Importing raw images into Lightroom Mobile
A lot of people have found out that, contrary to what they might have assumed, you can't import raw files into Lightroom Mobile on the iPad. Only JPEGs are supported. To import raws, you need to go via a desktop machine. Which is not much use if you're in the field with only an iPad.
3Adobe Lightroom Mobile and Lossy DNG
Adobe's Lightroom Mobile is out. There are numbers of "first looks" and reviews on various sites, e.g. at MacWorld. I won't go into what Lightroom Mobile is and is not - the mainstream sites are doing that already - but there is one thing that the mainstream haven't picked on.