Leica Q (Typ 116) raw file (DNG) analysis
As usual when new Leica cameras come out, I took a quick look inside a DNG from one of Leica's new Leica Q (Typ 116) cameras:
The camera is using what appears to be production software - version 1.02. The camera name shows as "LEICA Q (Typ 116)" The image data is 14-bit. There is no compression used in the DNG I looked at. The DNG version is 1.4, with a "backward version" of 1.3. There is a reason for this - DNG 1.3 allows for opcodes, which Leica use for lens correction. In the DNG I looked at, which was shot with a "28.0 mm f/1.7" lens, lens correction is done by a single "WarpRectilinear" operation in the DNG. In addition to the lens correction op code, there is also a "FixBadPixelsConstant" opcode, whose function is exactly as the name states.
The camera is using what appears to be production software - version 1.02. The camera name shows as "LEICA Q (Typ 116)" The image data is 14-bit. There is no compression used in the DNG I looked at. The DNG version is 1.4, with a "backward version" of 1.3. There is a reason for this - DNG 1.3 allows for opcodes, which Leica use for lens correction. In the DNG I looked at, which was shot with a "28.0 mm f/1.7" lens, lens correction is done by a single "WarpRectilinear" operation in the DNG. In addition to the lens correction op code, there is also a "FixBadPixelsConstant" opcode, whose function is exactly as the name states.