As usual when new Leica cameras come out, I took a quick look inside a DNG from one of Leica's new Leica Q (Typ 116) cameras:
  1. The camera is using what appears to be production software - version 1.02.
  2. The camera name shows as "LEICA Q (Typ 116)"
  3. The image data is 14-bit. There is no compression used in the DNG I looked at. 
  4. The DNG version is 1.4, with a "backward version" of 1.3. There is a reason for this - DNG 1.3 allows for opcodes, which Leica use for lens correction.
  5. In the DNG I looked at, which was shot with a "28.0 mm f/1.7" lens, lens correction is done by a single "WarpRectilinear" operation in the DNG. 
  6. In addition to the lens correction op code, there is also a "FixBadPixelsConstant" opcode, whose function is exactly as the name states. This is not something that I've seen in a Leica DNG before. It's not clear whether this is sensor specific (i.e., different Q's would have different corrections) or common to all cameras of this model.
For the Leica purists, something that's worth noting is that the lens is quite heavily corrected in software. Below are uncorrected and corrected version of the same image - note the distortion and quite heavy corner vignetting. (Image from


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