When CornerFix was first written, there really weren't any other options for correcting corner and edge issues in digital images; neither Lightroom or Capture One had the ability to address the problem in anything except the most basic way. Subsequently both Adobe and Phase One had added flat fielding to Lightroom and Capture One respectively. Their implementations are different to that of CornerFix, but they accomplish approximately the same goal. However, CornerFix has remained relatively popular, with somewhere between 50 and 100 downloads per week. One of the reasons for this is that CornerFix is designed to be able to use real world reference images such as images of white walls, etc, as opposed to images created in well equipped photographic studios.
A question that come up occasionally is how CornerFix compares to using LightRoom or Capture One's functionality. Fortunately, Gerd Waloszek has recently documented his experiences on the various options as it applies to the Leica M240. If you're trying to decide whether to use CornerFix or one of the other options, you should give it a read.
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