AccuRaw and PhotoRaw now have Fuji GFX 50S support
Updated: AccuRaw and PhotoRaw now have support for compressed and uncompressed RAFs.
For those that have been asking me about AccuRaw and Fuji GFX 50S support, I'm pleased to say that the version on the App Store as of today has support, although only for uncompressed RAFs.
The Leica M10 and Dynamic Range
I've been reading various articles, posts, etc on the web that deal with Leica's new M10. Many of those suggest that the improvement in dynamic range from the Leica M240 to the M10 is of the order of 1.5 to 2 stops. But I find that difficult to agree with.
2Leica M10 raw file (DNG) analysis
As usual when new Leica cameras come out, I took a quick look inside some DNGs from one of Leica's new M10 cameras. Usually, there's not much to see with Leica DNGs - they are typically text-book vanilla DNGs. But with the Leica M10, things are bit more interesting.
6Non-clipping workflows are important for EXR images
In a previous post introducing AccuRaw EXR, the new version of my AccuRaw raw processing software, I mentioned the importance of a "non-clipping workflow" for the promise of the EXR format to be a reality.
AccuRaw EXR's highlight control curves
Now that the AccuRaw EXR beta is out, one of the questions I'm getting is how the new highlight controls work.
The control curves are below. Note that these curves are on a linear scale, and 1 is white. So anything above 1 is "blown".
The AccuRaw EXR beta is now available!
AccuRaw EXR is a new version of AccuRaw with support for HDR (High Dynamic Range) images in OpenEXR format. OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications that uses floating point data.