dcpTool has been available for quite a while as a command line application for Windows and the Mac. But now it available in the form of an easy to use Mac app, with powerful batch processing capabilities. dcpTool for the Mac is available from the App Store.

dcpTool allows you to:

  1. Decompile DNG Camera Profile (DCP) files in XML. The XML can then be read and edited with a simple text editor.
  2. Recompile edited XML into DCP files
  3. Remove "Hue twists" from camera profiles. 
For more information on hue twists, see these posts:

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  1. Hi Sandy, any plans to add decoding of new .XMP "Enhanced" preset-profiles - not XMP itself, but LootTable from inside of it for example into text presentation compatible with dcptool XML output (-d) ? just asking ...

  2. Hi deejjjjaaaaa. I can look at that. Are the enhanced profiles documented anywhere?

    1. Hi Sandy


      1) http://www.adobe.com/go/profile-sdk


      2) those are XML files - only BLOB (char encoded) are LookTable, which I assume replaces LookTable from base dcprofile and 3D lut applied at the end of ACR/LR pipeline (after LookTable, after tone curve, etc) which is produced from CUBE format data

    2. Ok, I took a look - there's no actual documentation on the file format in the Adobe documents. Which means that this will require some detective work on actual files. Do you any sample XML format files that you can send me? You can send them to the support site: https://mcguffogco.freshdesk.com/

    3. I submitted .zip archive with some of .XMP files that Adobe installs (for example as a part of free DNG converter installation) - those XMP have LookTable encoded inside that replaces LookTable from Adobe Standard profile when selected in ACR as a camera profile...

    4. also unrelated - why with recent Adobe dcp profils profiles (dual illuminant, with LookTable - like all recent Adobe Standard) applying dcptool -i, after dcptool -u will throw an error ?

      *** Error: Unknown error ***
      *** Exception thrown in main routine - probably could not access a file

      this is not about merit of doing so, but still doing -u, after -i does not throw such error

    5. Interesting. Can you send me a sample?

    6. OK, sent one Adobe Standard dcp profile through https://mcguffogco.freshdesk.com/ ... any new (~120Kb sized) such profiles will result in error when applying dcptool -u and then dcptool -i to the output of the first conversion

    7. Fixed in the new versions released today

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